The 5 Masculine Instincts
Don’t trust your instincts—there's a better way to become a better man
Your masculine instincts are neither curse nor virtue. They can not be ignored nor indulged. They are the raw material and experiences by which you develop a new and better instinct—an instinct of faith. Get started with the free online assessment to better understand your own unique masculine instinct profile.
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Book Trailer

For Personal and Group Study
New Print Study Guide
This nine-part study guide will help you and your group get the most out of The 5 Masculine Instincts book. It includes discussion questions, personal reflections, and extra content.

The 5 Masculine Instincts
C.S. Lewis called your instincts behavior as if from knowledge. What you feel seems right. But ignoring your instincts keeps you limited by them: sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation, and apathy. The 5 Masculine Instincts will help you better understand your instincts and how to mature beyond them. Learn More
Listen to an excerpt from the book
Chapter One | 21:11
Pastor and Writer
Chase Replogle
Chase Replogle is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, Missouri. He holds a degree in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in New Testament from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He is currently a D.Min. student in The Sacred Art of Writing at Western Theological Seminary.
Chase’s work draws from history, psychology, literature, and a rich narrative approach to Scripture to help readers think more deeply about faith and life.
He has written for Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Ekstasis, Bible Engagement Project, and Influence Magazine. In addition, he hosts the Pastor Writer Podcast (, where he interviews Christian authors on writing and publishing.
A native of the Ozark woods, he enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids, sailing, playing the mandolin (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie.

The New 5 Masculine Instincts Study Guide: And Why I’m Optimistic for Men
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The Responsibility of Fatherhood: How Fatherhood Begins With Just Showing Up
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Shakespeare’s Seven Stages of a Man: Recognizing the Five Masculine Instincts
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The Essential Masculine Virtue: Finding The Strength Between Aggression and Disengagement
The Bible warns of man’s tendency to over-identify with his impulses of aggression and passivity, a topic I’ve explored at length in a previous article. But the Bible is also careful not to present these traits as mere personality types…