The New 5 Masculine Instincts Study Guide
And Why I’m Optimistic for Men
It’s been over a year since I released The 5 Masculine Instincts. I wrote the book because, as a pastor, I saw the way so many men were wrestling with questions about masculinity and how the broader cultural conversation seemed to be leading to more online debates than actual Christlike growth in the lives of men. That trend continues. There are more books, more articles, and more controversies. Drop the word masculinity on Twitter, and like raw meat thrown into the river, the piranhas swarm. Some do it simply because they enjoy that show (You know, some people keep Piranhas as pets).
That’s never been my goal. From the beginning, I wanted to try and carve a way forward. No one is unaware of the problems. And while it’s easy to draw attention with hand grenades thrown back and forth between the trenches, there come moments in each of our lives when we must determine to become better men. I wanted to help individual men grow in character. Online debates have never proved much help in those real-world moments of temptation and discouragement. I wanted to write a book that could guide those moments.
It is easy to get discouraged and hopeless. Perhaps this is just the way men are. But since publishing the book, I’m growing more and more optimistic. In the past year, I’ve done over fifty podcasts and interviews from Good Morning America to the 700 Club. But as much fun as those opportunities have been, my favorite times have been Q&As with men’s small groups.
I’ve done many of them: some over early morning in-person coffee, others in late-night Zoom calls. Some with church groups and others with groups of men who have found one another online. I’ve met men at churches and retreats and through many comments and messages online. What I’ve encountered is hundreds of men who love the Lord and want to be more faithful husbands, fathers, and followers of Christ.
These men never capture the headlines. Who’s paying attention to a dad working a job, attending church with his family, and quietly reading to try and grow in his faith? But there are those kinds of men everywhere.
Men still face challenges; the statistics are still not good. But I’m more optimistic than I was.
One of the ways I measure a good book is its ability to give language to things you know but have never been able to articulate. A good book always inspires good conversations. My prayer for The 5 Masculine Instincts was that it would inspire conversations between men. I’m deeply grateful to have seen that happen. And I want to do everything possible to facilitate more of those conversations.
The 5 Masculine Instincts Study Guide
I’m excited to announce that there is a new print version of The 5 Masculine Instincts Study Guide. The new guide includes everything you need to study the book personally or with a group of other men. The study guide includes:
- New articles and content
- Personal reflection questions
- Group discussion questions
- Prayer prompts
- And access to The 5 Masculine Instincts Assessment
It works great with the other group resources, including session videos, YouVersion reading plans, and graphics to help promote your group.
If you’re looking for a new book for Father’s Day, a men’s ministry, a small group, a retreat, or even just a personal study between father and sons, I’ve done everything I can to make The 5 Masculine Instincts a great resource for you.

Schedule a Zoom Q&A
I also want to make myself available to any men’s group studying the book. You can use the form below to request a Zoom Q&A with me. I’d love to join your group to answer any questions they have about the book or the topic of masculinity.
Finally, I want to say a big thanks. So many of you have read the book, shared it, and left helpful reviews. I am really grateful for your support and encouragement. I’m praying the book will continue to bless you and the men in your life.
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Chase Replogle
Chase is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, MO and hosts the Pastor Writer Podcast. A native of the Ozark woods, he enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids: sailing, playing the mandolin (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie.

Don’t trust your instincts—there's a better way to become a better man.
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