Group Resources

Do you lead a men’s ministry, book club, or discussion group?
Below, you’ll find additional resources to help expand your reading of The 5 Masculine Instincts. From daily devotionals to video-based group discussions, you’ll find plenty of resources to help.

Take the Online Assessment
The online quiz will help you and the men in your group learn about their own instincts. The quiz is only 25 questions and is a great way to get men interested.

Get the Study Guide
Purchase the new 97-page study guide, which includes chapter-by-chapter introductions, personal reflection questions, and group study questions.
YouVersion Bible Reading Plans and Devotionals
The 5 Masculine Instincts now has six YouVersion devotional reading plans. Each has a 5-day Bible reading plan and corresponding devotionals. It’s a great way to dig deeper into the book or to get an introduction to each of the 5 instincts.

Watch and Download the Video Interviews
Watch the 9-part interview series. Each video is 15-20 minutes and explores the content of the book and the process of writing. It’s a perfect companion for individual reading or to download and use in your group discussions.
The 5 Masculine Instincts: Book Trailer
In this introduction to the book, Chase presents the core concepts of The 5 Masculine Instincts.
Part 1: The Male Malaise
Chase Replogle and Peter Ostapko discuss the first chapter of The 5 Masculine Instincts and the current controversy around masculinity.
Part 2: The Instincts
Chase takes a closer look at where the 5 masculine instincts came from and why thinking about instincts is critical. He also discusses how he came to recognize these instincts in the men of the Bible.
Part 3: Cain and Sarcasm
The first instinct is sarcasm and Chase turns to the story of Cain to demonstrate why humility and meekness are critical for growth.
Part 4: Samson and Adventure
The second instinct is adventure. Through the story of Samson, Chase helps men recognize how their restless need for adventure can weaken commitment. What they need is greater discernment.
Part 5: Moses and Ambition
Perhaps you haven’t associated Moses with Ambition, but Chase will help you recognize it in Moses’s story and your own. You’ll also learn way rest is the critical test of ambition.
Part 6: David and Reputation
David is known as the Man after God’s own heart, but his life is really a complicated battle between integrity and reputation. Chase demonstrates why the instinct to protect your reputation can be so destructive.
Part 7: Abraham and Apathy
Perhaps you haven’t thought of apathy as an instinct, but once you notice it, you’ll notice how prevalent it is. Chase uses the story of Abraham to help you better understand the instinct and your need for sacrifice.
Part 8: The Work Ahead
You may be wondering, what comes next? Chase explores Paul’s advice to Timothy for making progress and how you should think about what to do next.
Part 9: Nothing Left to Prove
In their final discussion, Chase offers some concluding remarks and describes how the power of the gospel can infuse character. What is required is time, patience, and the right attention.